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Become a Gold Standard Partner with a Recurring Donation?

  1. By Mail - Prefer to give an OTTB a chance at a new career by check instead of an online donation? No problem! Drop a check in the mail to:

    Secretariat Center 4155 Walt Robertson Rd, Lexington, KY 40511

  2. Donate Items or Equipment - The Center accepts new and gently used donations of tack, training equipment, medical supplies, or farm equipment! Donations may be dropped off at our physical location, ordered from our Amazon Gift List, or shipped to us.

3. Major or Corporate Gifts - Contact our Executive Director at executivedirector@secretariatcenter.org if you’re interested in learning more about contributing a major gift.

5. Join the Newsletter - for other ways to be involved with the Secretariat Center, please submit your email to be added to our monthly newsletter!


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You Can Make a Huge Impact! --- Check Out Other Ways to Serve Today ---

The Secretariat Center is open to evaluating retired Thoroughbreds that are wanting to transition to new careers. Our premier location inside the Kentucky Horse Park, and our mission to personalized retraining of off-the-track Thoroughbreds, and showcasing their versatility we are selective about our candidates. We take mares or geldings, raced or unraced, and typically under the age of 10. We cannot take unregistered Thoroughbreds.